30 December 2008
Eamon Munro Bennett Wolfe
24 December 2008
I Sing the Body Incompetent
Not only that, but the baby is so low that she actually had to feel around the kid's head to get at the rest of the cervix.
HOWEVER, I am still only 2 cm dilated. No matter how many other signs and symptoms of labor I might have, until things, ahem, open up, the child stays put.
"Haven't you had ANY contractions?" she asked. I said I had had some Braxton-Hicks, but that was it. Nothing real, nothing substantial.
She assured Aaron and me that when I finally did start having contractions, it would probably go quickly since everything else was ready to go. I, of course, no longer believe anything that doctors say, and am therefore preparing myself for 52-hours of hard labor following by 7 days of pushing, or something like that.
Anyway, whether my cervix gets its act together or not, we WILL have a baby by the New Year. We reminded the office that we wouldn't be coming back since we had an induction date scheduled on Monday, December 29. Our doctor really did schedule it, but no one actually filled out the paperwork because he didn't tell anybody. In fact, he wrote a note next to it saying, "If baby not delivered before then" (well, duh, but it was his way of saying that he was only scheduling this induction to appease us and in his medical opinion was pretty sure that we would have the baby well before then). Filling out the paperwork was just a formality, since the hospital already had us down on their calendar (the most important part), and while doing so, the nurse also exclaimed her surprise that Dr. Lockhart had been wrong. He has been practicing for many years, and she said, "If he says you're going to go early, you usually go early."
Yeah, well, there you go, right? Tell something like that to Aaron and myself, and we usually do our dardest to do the exact opposite. It's like the time that I was having my wisdom teeth taken out, and the doctor gave me some sort of medicine that was supposed to knock me out completely, but right before I slipped into unconciousness, he said, "You won't remember a thing," at which point I woke myself up enough to remember the whole thing, but I couldn't tell him because I was too drugged up. Stupid, right? And then I went and married a man who also loves to do the opposite of whatever anyone tells him (this makes our marriage interesting sometimes, for both of us), so it makes complete SENSE that our child would be the same way.
Seriously, I expect if the doctor had tut-tutted in early December and said that nothing was really progressing in the labor front, our child would already be a few weeks old.
Anyway, if nothing happens before Monday, and I don't think that anything will, we will head to Riverside hospital by 7 AM (I am fine with this, because it means that we get everything done with pretty early in the day; my husband was aghast since he doesn't get out of bed until 8 AM most days, and doesn't actually wake up until about 10 AM). SO, one way or another, we will have a baby before New Years (unless, of course, the induction doesn't work; I know this one teacher at school who had to be induced 3 times, but we're not thinking about that, oh no, no, no...)
18 December 2008
The Cure
16 December 2008
The Baby that Time Forgot
13 December 2008
Holding Pattern
10 December 2008
Why the Pasta Salad Was a Bad Idea
FOR INSTANCE...I am one centimeter dialated, the doctor said today. This could be a sign that I am going into labor in a few hours...or a few weeks. How is that helpful? I should hope I would be going into labor within a few weeks; I'm due on the 26th!
I am also "nicely effaced" (that is a direct quote from the doctor, and I am sorry for those of you mothers who are/were just normally effaced, because the extra adjective gives it that extra je ne sais quoi). This could mean...imminent labor! OR...still a few weeks!
The baby has dropped (the consequence of going on a field trip to Yorktown and walking around a lot). This means...oh, you get the picture.
I lost my mucous plug! (Sorry, it's a gross term, but that's what they call it, and who am I to questions them?) Blah, blah, blah. You can lose it 2 or 3 times. It can grow back. It can be like a bad horror movie sequel...just when you thought everything was safe... (though in fairness, the doctor said that combined with all my other symptoms, this was not likely to happen to me).
And tonight! I am nauseated! This could be a sign of labor beginning...or that I really shouldn't have eaten the pasta salad before dinner. I mean, I knew it was a bad idea, but I suddenly really wanted it. It looked so yummy and tasty and benign, sitting there in the salad bar at the grocery store. It looked like friendly pasta salad, not Pasta Salad of Doom, but now I am writing this blog to distract myself from the sheer yuckiness while I pray that the three Tums I just swallowed will win the battle so that I can sleep, maybe, sometime tonight.
Last symptom: the baby is at a -1 station. This is lower than, say, a -3 station. A + 3 would mean that the baby was actively crowning, so a -1 isn't too shabby. It does mean that I am terribly uncomfortable, as I whined to the doctor today.
"Oh," said he, in an inquisitive tone, "are you ready to be done being pregnant?"
UM, YES!!!
Instead, I tried to respond a little more maturely. "Only if the baby is ready."
"Oh," he said jauntily, "the baby is ready. We could induce you next week. But I don't know if there will be any induction appointments available. You usually have to schedule those awhile in advance around this time of year."
WHAT? I could have scheduled an induction in advance? You didn't care? This whole time, you wouldn't have minded? I thought you were all about letting the body take its course--having things happen naturally! Why didn't you mention this BEFORE? YES, I WANT TO INDUCE ON THE 15th.
I think I was a tad more polite than that.
BUT, it was all for naught. They have no appointments on the 15th...or the 19th...or anything until after Christmas. The 29th, to be exact. I have an appointment for that day, just in case I go past my due date, so that I don't have to wait forever. But the doctor also told me that he really didn't think I was going to make it to the 29th, or even the 26th.
SO, we're right back where we started. It could be hours...or days...or weeks.
But one thing is for sure: I really shouldn't have had that pasta salad.
The Thank You Post
Nesta, who, like her mommy, contributed most by Staying Out of the Way
03 December 2008
Weekly Visits
As the title of this post implies, we have begun our weekly visits to the doctor! This is not nearly as exciting as it seems, since nothing really happens at these visits, either. I went today by myself, since Aaron is already taking off about 4 hours this week to go on a field trip with my class to Yorktown (because he is there, nothing exciting will happen; if he wasn't going, you can bet that my water would break and my kids would get an in-depth lesson on the circle of life, or something).
What did the doctor say? Um...not a lot. The baby is still REALLY far down, in the "GO" position...but nothing else is happening. No effacement, no dialation...nothing to indicate that the little tyke is actually "GOING" anywhere. This is fine, since I am still only 36 weeks, and the baby won't be officially "done" for another week or so, anyway (the pep talks to get the heck out of my uterus will officially start when we hit 38 weeks).
On Monday, we'll have our last ultrasound to determine how large the little one is. At that time, I suppose they'll determine whether they want to let me wait until my due date (or beyond), or whether they'll decide to induce. If the baby is already big, there's a chance that they won't want me to go past my due date, since then I would be delivering a moose--at least, that's what I hope. Being pregnant has been...an experience...but I wouldn't mind being able to eat without getting ridiculous heartburn, being able to get out of bed without having to do a complicated roll-out, sleeping with fewer than 4 pillows. And oh, yeah, it would be really cool to meet our baby, too.
27 November 2008
Like Turkeys, Like Babies
We had Thanksgiving plans...we've had them for awhile. My husband was going to travel to Maryland to have dinner with his family, and I, who cannot go more than about 30 minutes without having to dash off to find a bathroom due to being rather huge at the moment, was going to stay here in Newport News with my parents for the traditional dinner. This had all been hammered out weeks beforehand, and was well under control.
I went out to lunch with my mom yesterday, and when we got back, there was a phone message waiting from my aunt. It seems my grandparents down in Florida (my mom's parents) BOTH took a tumble yesterday (Grandma went first, Grandpa tried to help her, and then he heard something crack). SO, my grandfather is in the ER, which is bad because he was Grandma's primary care giver (and she cannot see, can barely hear, and cannot walk). Two little old ladies who live next door are taking care of my Grandma for the night until my parents could get down to Florida, which they are in the midst of doing right now, since I think they were leaving around 7 AM.
I was there for all the drama yesterday as my mom tried to figure out what they were going to do, and once the decision was made to drive to FL, I took my parents' dog home with me since he would need a place to stay. I let Aaron know that all this was happening, and was fully prepared to do Thanksgiving on my own (well, me and two dogs), because sometimes bad luck just happens (it didn't mean the hormones wouldn't have made me cry about it, because they make me cry about a lot, but I would have dealt).
BUT, Aaron firmly declared that he certainly would NOT leave me home, alone, on a major holiday, which also happens to be our anniversary, while I am vastly pregnant. He called his mom right away, and before I could even tell him that I would be fine if he went up anyway, he was staying.
The interesting part of all of this is that my parents had an entire Thanksgiving meal ready to go. The turkey was thawed, and they had all the fixin's. So, along with a dog, I went home with a 15 pound turkey, potatoes, and broccoli. My eyes got a little big as my father loaded the turkey into a "keep cool" bag, and I told him, "But, but, I don't know HOW to make a turkey." His reply, "Yeah, but you know how to Google."
So Google I did, and I THINK I know what I'm doing now, and Aaron seems to think that I'll be just fine making this gigantic bird and not killing us all with salmonella poisoining. Of course, I don't really understand why I am making the turkey, since he has cooked whole turkeys in the past and I am a turkey-virgin (granted, he cooked his outside in a pit ala colonial style, but STILL, that's more than I have done).
I suppose that since I think I am ready to be a mom, I should be ready to embrace all the trappings of adulthood. I figured out how to buy my first car this year; I suppose I can figure out how to cook a turkey. The only thing that is bugging me about the bird is the timing. I think I have all the basics of preparation down, but all the websites are a little vague on the amount of time needed for the bird, and say that it just depends on the oven temperature, elevation, the retrograde of Mercury, etc..
Ironically, this is the only thing that bugs me about giving birth, too. I've taken the classes, so I understand basically what will be happening. Aaron and I have discussed plans with my parents, so we know who is coming to the hospital, who is watching the dog, etc.. I've talked with people and read internet sites, so I know what to put in the hospital bags and they have already been packed. The nursery, though not fully decorated, is functional and could safely house a baby starting any minute. The only thing that I haven't nailed down, that I just can't plan, is the WHEN for the baby. Being a slight (ahem) control freak, it really gets my goat that I don't have a specific day and time to have this child. I have been talking to the fetus, and trying to convince him/her of a specific day/time that we want to go, which my husband (and everyone else, though they are too polite to say) thinks is ludicrous, but what else am I supposed to do? Sit around and let nature take its course? What does nature know about my schedule?
Anyway, I am attempting to convince myself that giving birth will happen when it happens, and that I cannot control every facet of the pregnancy (nor probably of raising a child, either, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and blow my mind entirely). It's just kind of frustrating knowing that I am 35 weeks along, so the baby will probably come 3-7 weeks from now. That seems like a rather large margin of error, but c'est la vie, and all that.
(At least with a turkey, you can pop a thermometer in there to tell when it's done.)
10 November 2008
And one side of the head was all that we could see, because kiddo is burrowed into my pelvis. The ultrasound technician nearly broke my pelvic bone (okay, that might be a slight exaggeration) trying to get the head measurements, because the child is hiding/trying to come out/digging for China/who the heck knows. I've been carrying this kid low the entire time, but apparently now we've reached a new level of low. Of course, the baby still tries to stick its little feetses up into my rib cage, because there just isn't enough room, mommy! I attempt to explain that there's nothing I can do about that, please get your feet off of my lungs, but you know how they are when they're this age...
Other interesting facts from the ultrasound:
--the baby currently weighs approximately 5 pounds, 6 oz.
--the baby is only 77% for size now!
Seventy-seventh percentile is something I can live with (when it comes to baby sizes, I mean). 77% is just over 8 pounds for newborns, and I feel like this is a very acceptable size, unlike what you get at the 94th percentile (we must have hit him in a growth-spurt during my last ultrasound). So, I am not having the Loch Ness monster for a baby anymore, nor even a moose, but just a...baby. A baby with beautiful hair, shining, gleaming, streaming, flaxen, waxen...hair. (Now the only question is: will the hair stay on like it did for kiddo's mommy, or fall out after birth like daddy's?)
06 November 2008
Oooooo, dear...
Do you know what is very fun (or completely not, as the case may be)? It is "very fun" to have an upset tummy AND a baby kicking your stomach at the same time! It is many thrills!
I have left work early today so that I can lie around in nauseated pain. I am going to go do that now.
The Pain and the Tiredness
26 October 2008
Braxton-Hicks, Meet York High Class of '98
Those of you not 7 months pregnant, feel free
to get your groove on!
Overall, though, I'm glad that we went. Aaron, the saint that I married, accompanied me. The baby also did a wonderful job, and slept most of the time (it's usually more awake during the day and kicks only a little bit at night)--at least until the end. I suppose I had been standing around too much, not drinking enough water, but at about 10:30, the Braxton-Hicks contractions really started.
Joanna, me, Jeff --just like highschool with one
BIG difference
So I drank a ton of water. This didn't help a lot, and moreover--the contractions started to make the baby mad. I can understand; I don't think I would like my home being intermittantly squeezed, either. The baby starting kicking with a vengeance, which on top of the contractions made me decide it was time to go home. But I made it to almost 11:00, which I consider an accomplishment, even if it it is the earliest I've ever left a high school dance before.
22 October 2008
I also LOVED this doctor because he seems to think that women should gain 35-40 pounds during their pregnancy, unlike the snarky nurse practioner who gave me a lecture last time because "we still have a long way to go and you don't want to gain too much too early." This DOCTOR thought that I was doing just fine (I've gained about 24 pounds, which is a bit much if you go with the nurse practioner's estimate, but right on target if I should gain about 35). I even explained to him that I thought I had gained a bit too much, but he just shook his head in a nice, grandfatherly way and told me that I looked GREAT, my face wasn't puffy at all, and I knew right then that I want him to be my doctor FOREVER. I would like to take him clothes-shopping, too.
Next week should be fun, too. Aaron and I are going to Riverside Hospital to take the Expectant Parents Tour on Tuesday, and on Wednesday, we are going to our first childbirth class. We get to bring pillows to that one, and I am a fan of any place that actively encourages you to bring pillows.
13 October 2008
Glucose, Part II
08 October 2008
Today we went in for a diabetes glucose screening (we won't have the results until Monday), where they gave Kate some glucose (Fruit Punch-flavored!- Kate was worried about Orange, which she despises due to her allergy to all things citrus) then we had to sit around for an hour until they could take some blood. Luckily, we thought ahead and made an appointment with the doctor. It was the first time we've actually met with a doctor rather than a nurse practitioner. He asked how things were going (fine), and if we had any questions. Kate asked about a birth plan, which the doctor poo-pooed. Sweet! I was worried we'd have this elaborate plan that would inevitably be thrown out due to the baby's lack of knowledge of said plan. The doctor apparently knew this too, and talked about how you kinda got to go with the flow. How great is that? We obviously (subconsciously) picked the right doctor.
These visits are anti-climactic, but I'm glad we go. There are so many mothers who do not have the chance for pre-natal visits. I will refrain from any additional political commentary (you can visit my blog, Rambling Leaf, for that).
I find that the closer we come to having this baby, I do not have the anxiety that many fathers go through. Maybe it is because I'm older and am comfortable with what's going on. Maybe it's because I'm a total moron and have no idea what is coming. Regardless, I am ready.
I read to the baby (almost) every night. We started with John Hodgman's (of The Daily Show and Mac commercial fame) The Areas of My Expertice, which was hysterical and scary at the same time. Obsessed with werewolves and hobos, Hodgman is completely insane. Right now, we are reading An Arsonists Guide to Writer's Homes in New England on the recommendation of my Aunt Lanny, who owns a book store. You may wonder why we are subjecting our (unborn) child to this kind of material, and you would be correct to do so. We have a simple reason- THE BABY DOESN'T KNOW ENGLISH. All it hears is the dulcet (Kate would describe it as soporific) tone of Daddy's voice. Which is the point. Baby gets to hear Kate's voice all the time. Having baby recognize my voice when s/he decides to emerge from the womb is the goal. I don't know if we'll acheive that, but I do know this- After a few days of not reading, the baby went crazy for a little while when I started to read the other night. Boo-Yah!
10 September 2008
Whoa Baby
13 August 2008
It's a....BABY!

As soon as they called us back, Aaron announced that we were not to find out the sex of the baby. The ultrasound lady made us turn our heads at several points because apparently it was quite obvious, and I leave you to draw your own conclusions. I know what I think we're having, and I quite agree with Aaron's cousin Jason: only one of the two sexes would still be parked right on my bladder, using it as a sort of fetal beanbag. Please feel free to make wild guesses in the comments section (smart money will be on either a boy or a girl, though).
The nice ultrasound lady also showed us several bits of the baby, such as arms (2), legs (2), and face (1). Our child pushed its face up against the ultrasound and then commenced to eating its hands. Our baby is sporting a lovely round head, with a brain that appears to be working (though not yet advanced enough to realize that it should not lay on Mommy's vital organs). Usually the baby is a late riser, and I don't feel it moving until after about 1PM (already taking after Daddy), but today it knew that it was a Big Day and it was tumbling around quite happily before, after, and during the appointment. This is very tickly and makes me have to pee quite often.
Our child also has a spinal cord, so for those of you out there who had money on the invertebrate category--sorry.
20 July 2008
Little Rapid Heartbeat
Kate also felt the baby for the first time tonight- the quickening, they call it (although I have my doubts- the Quickening is related to Highlander in some way, and refers to becoming immortal. Stupid doctors. What do they know about "science"? I'll stick to Christopher Lambert.)
19 June 2008
17 June 2008
Biggie Smalls