Vision Statement: Eamon Wolfe will say “please,” “thank you,” and “you’re welcome” (aka, “The Manner Words”) appropriately and consistently, as well as voluntarily help others when feasibly possible, and be considerate of the feelings of others in intent, word, and deed.
Social Interaction Evidence #1
Location: Gym Class
Description: Eamon sat quietly during circle time despite the fact that other little boys were running around and not paying attention to the rules, with only a few squirms and longing looks. He helped during clean up time and told all gym instructors “thank you” after they helped him complete the activities.
Result: Success!

Social Interaction Evidence #2
Location: NY& Company Store
Description: Eamon charmingly and without prompting told the clerk “thank you” when she got us a dressing room, therefore earning us the biggest and nicest dressing room. Someone was in the dressing room next to us, though, and Eamon was desperate to see and meet her, so he kept trying to duck his head under the wall out of curiosity. Each time I hissed at him not to stick his head into someone else’s dressing room, and he grudgingly complied. In line to buy the clothes, Eamon danced to entertain the 20-something year old girls behind us, smiled at the clerk, and told her “thank you” after we paid for our purchases.
Result: Success. Mostly.
Social Interaction Evidence #3
Location: Subway
Description: Standing in line at Subway, Eamon tried to share his triceratops toy with the manager. The manager was so impressed that he gave Eamon a free chocolate chip cookie. Eamon reverentially carried it over to our table, proudly announcing, “Cookie! Cookie!” to anyone who came near. When I asked Eamon if he wanted to eat the cookie, he shook his head. Eamon does not actually like chocolate, and I am allergic, so the cookie remained uneaten.
Result: Sweet, but somewhat wasteful success.
Social Interaction Evidence #4
Location: The pool locker room
Description: After swim class, another mother brought in her little 2 year old girl to change into street clothes. The little girl was very cold, and kept making this low moaning sound to exhibit her displeasure. Eamon looked at her and brightly exclaimed, “Cow!” because he thought she was intentionally attempting farmyard sounds. I whispered that yes, it sounded a little like a moo, and Eamon then shouted loudly at the girl, “Cow! Noisy cow!”
Result: Embarrassed apologies and our quick exit from the locker room
Social Interaction Evidence #5
Location: Busch Gardens Land of the Dragons
Description: There were few people at Busch that day, so Eamon was able to walk onto all the rides without waiting. He told all the attendants “thank you” after being prompted. On the little cars ride, we realized after strapping him in that no adult could ride with him, nor even stand near the cars while he rode. We anxiously exited the area so the ride could start, worried that he would either be upset that we were gone, or possibly try to stand or otherwise free himself from restraint during the ride. Instead, he smiled and stayed seated the entire time, proving our fears completely unfounded.
Result: Parental pride, toddler fun
Overall recommendations based on evidence: Plan progressing nicely. Continue to implement at every possibly opportunity and results will become more consistently positive. And really, she did sound like a cow.
1 comment:
Oh social smocial, if he smiles like he does in that first photo, he'll get away with murder.
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