Eamon had a great time with his cousins. As has been previously stated, Eamon especially loves older kids, so having a 4 year old to boss him round was great--for us, too. For instance, Eamon would be rummaging around in a cupboard that he wasn't supposed to be in, taking out things he wasn't supposed to take out, and I would say to Elise, "Please go tell Eamon to put those candles back in the cupboard," and she would! And he would! And with a lot less fuss than he would have given me!
Of course, I expect the excitement of having a big sister would eventually wear off.

Lucas and Eamon also had fun running around and screaming. Sometimes there was a slight kerfluffle over who was allowed to play with what toy, especially when the other boy wanted the toy. Overall, though, two boys who are used to being the baby of the house did pretty well acclimating to one another. Once they both really understand how to play with other kids, there's no doubt in my mind that they'll be great friends.
One of Eamon's favorite things we did was go to Sesame Place. It is for true Sesame addicts. All three kids enjoyed pointing out EVERY SINGLE Elmo in the park...and um, Elmo's image is kind of everywhere.
Elise and Lucas had lots of fun riding rides...but Eamon, unfortunately, didn't really. Well, we tried to ride the carousel, but he hates carousels for some reason, so after running away from me in line (fun! and all the other parents just parted the seas to let him through), we waited about 20 minutes for me to put him on a horse and then have him start shaking his head furiously, "NO! NO! NO!" So we got off and humbly walked right back off the carousel.
We then waited another 20 minutes or so to ride a flying type ride. This was better because Aaron waited in line with us, so we had 2 adults to one Eamon (meanwhile, Elise and Lucas stood quietly and politely by their mother, and I suddenly realized that Eamon's crazy energy isn't necessarily a boy/girl thing, but just a crazy energy Eamon thing). Eamon liked that ride better, but it was obvious that he wasn't going to tolerate many more 20 minutes waits that only resulted in a 2 minute ride. And neither were we.
Therefore, we took Eamon off to a squashing playground-type thing called "Big Birds Nest." Now, this, Eamon loved. We played there for probably 40 minutes while Elise and Lucas went on another ride. Afterwards, Elise and Lucas joined Eamon and everyone had a great time.
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