13 January 2009

Eamon's First Fortnight

Eamon had his two week check up on Tuesday, weighing in at 9 lbs, .06 oz and measuring 21. 75 in. That means he's gained his birth weight back, which is desirable. That he would reach this benchmark was never in question. My boy can eat.

The over-arching theme of the past 14 days has, of course, feeding Eamon. It is one of the 3 things that one actually does with infants (changing and cuddling being the other 2 - and he gets plenty of all 3). After a slow start, we have gotten into the swing of things. Eamon is a healthy, if not speedy, eater. His propensity for taking his time while eating caused Kate to get little sleep, as he would eat every two hours, but take an hour to eat. At this point, however, he eats about every 2-3 hours during the day and is going 4 hours between feedings at night. We started him on the bottle on Friday, primarily so Kate could get some sleep. I take the night shift.

The bottle is cool because now I am actually involoved with my child's nourishment. There's only so much bonding you can get from holding a sleeping child or changing dirty diapers. He makes all sorts of cool noises while eating, and has the best facial expressions. It's just not the same.

There is much to be said, however, about sleeping infants. My favorite is the "victory" pose...

But there is also the "dead outlaw" that I enjoy as well...

All that being said, he is awake some of the time...

1 comment:

Jujubee said...

Victory. The best sleeping pose. Ever. No fetal position for that little dude, he needs to take up SPACE already. I love it!