26 September 2010

It's Family Time

This weekend we sojourned to Severn, Maryland, for Eamon's great-grandparents Meredith 70th wedding anniversary.

Here's what we learned:

1) Eamon will not nap more than 45 minutes in the car per trip.

2) Eamon will not nap at all in strange places where there is much to explore and discover.

3) Eamon may be "all boy" most of the time but is comfortable enough with his masculinity to have a tea-party with his Opa.

4) Eamon WILL NOT sit on my lap to eat lunch if he could instead sit at a Mickey Mouse table with other people his size and his Oma. Even then, he will not eat more than a few bites or sit longer than about 3 minutes because there are THINGS TO DO AND PLACES TO EXPLORE, PEOPLE.

5) Eamon's cousin Kala really does not like being splashed (Sorry, Kala).

6) Eamon will sit still to eat strawberries. I believe he ate approximately his body weight in strawberries, because by that point I was desperate that he just eat, period, and got him as many strawberries as I thought he could eat without getting sick.

7) I should always remember to wear make-up to these things because someone always insists on taking a Family Photo and I always end up looking like a very sleepy vampire who somehow manages to stay awake during the daytime:

15 September 2010


Good morning, Eamon Wolfe. Time to greet the world.

(By the way, your father hates when I call you "Eamon Wolfe."

"As opposed to all those other Eamons out there?" he snorts, because we spent a long, long time looking for a distinctive name so that you would never have to be "Eamon Wolfe" in your grade school classes, and then I go and call you "Eamon Wolfe" all the time anyway. Because it is that sort of name.)


Eamon Wolfe, would you like to go to the park today?


There's so much to do at the park.

There's the slide.

And great metal poles to drum on.

And races with your daddy (which you always seem to just barely win).

And you love the other kids, especially the older ones. You toddle up to them expectantly, as if to say, "Hello! I'm here to be your friend and play with you!" but of course you can't say all that yet. And the older kids just roll their eyes and run around you. Sometimes I have to remind them not to push you out of the way. And you don't exactly understand why they just ignore you, because you are a Big Boy now, and you just want to be friends and play.

So we take you on the slide again to distract you.
And you have fun, because you are doing Big Boy things on this beautiful Saturday.

And all I can think is: Sigh. There goes my baby.

06 September 2010

The Tale of the Triumvirate

A long time ago, in the Kingdom of Crib, there lived a boy king named His Nibs. His Nibs was a kind and just ruler, and was loved greatly by all the denizens of crib both for his joyful laughter and his tendency to chew gently on their ears.

And His Nibs loved them back, loved each tremendously, though in time one emerged who was most truly loved, who most closely represented the heart of His Nibs--the great and mighty Lion (Rawr!)

Lion (Rawr!) had been through it all. When His Nibs had braved the Scapel of Doom and bore the Scar of the Tongue forever more, it was only because he had trusty Lion (Rawr!) by his side that His Nibs faltered not. Lion (Rawr!), though strong and fierce, was brave and loyal to the end.
Even mighty Lion (Rawr!), however, could not keep His Nibs warm on cold nights, and soon a new member appeared on the Council: Blanket (Bah!) Blanket was soft and drapable, and often worn by His Nibs as a cape of valour and justice. And the three lived happily as the rulers of their kingdom.

It soon became apparent, though, that Blanket (Bah!), while of gentle disposition, was not up for the adventures of His Nibs, who often became entangled when trying to carry the poor Blanket (Bah!). And so it was that sweet Blanket (Bah!) took a more background role, keeping the Kingdom of Crib warm when His Nibs and Lion (Rawr!) ventured out on their journeys.
With the withdrawl of Blanket (Bah!), his Nibs craved more company, and two worthy companions eventually emerged from the denizens. Red Elmo (Mo!) and Blue Cookie (Kee Kee!) proved their loyalty and their worth, and so was born the Triumvirate! His Nibs took them everywhere, and was rarely seen without them all.

They ate together, watched Sesame Street together, pretended to nap together.

Those who would have separated them (Da! and Mimi!) finally realized that these fast friends could never be truly parted, and eventually the foursome was allowed to roam freely and happily.

But though other friends may come and go, let it never be forgot, that the first and most loyal of all companions, mighty Lion (Rawr!), shall always been closest to His Nibs' heart.

03 September 2010

The Boys of Summer

One boy and a pool...

Two boys and a pool...

Two boys IN a pool...

Summer is awesome.