He's now gotten so full of himself that he's trying to climb up the stairs as I write this. Luckily, he's not strong enough to even get himself on the first step yet.
Nevertheless, the days of setting him on the floor and turning away are over.
He's now gotten so full of himself that he's trying to climb up the stairs as I write this. Luckily, he's not strong enough to even get himself on the first step yet.
Nevertheless, the days of setting him on the floor and turning away are over.
11:00-12:30ish: Rest
12:30-1:00: Nourishment (turkey and veg; choose from sweet potatoes, peas, or carrots)
1:00-3:00: Field Trip
· Agricultural Research (grocery shopping)
· Business & Consumerism (Target)
· High Fashion & Society (mall)
· Family Bonding (grandparents’ house)
3:00-4:00ish: Rest
4:00-4:30: Nourishment (formula, plain and simple)
4:30-6:30: Free Choice
· choose from any of earlier activities; whatever keeps Eamon occupied and happy at this point
6:30-7:00: Bedtime Procedures
· Cleanliness Rituals (bath, every 2nd or 3rd day to prevent skin drying)
· Literary Appreciation (board books)
· Nourishment (formula)
· Musical Theater (Mommy sings lullabies)
Okay, yeah, it's another piano video. BUT! He's so much better than this one! His skill has advanced tremendously! His sense and rhythm and timing are maturing! Really, it's worth watching another piano video just to see the sheer joy on his face as he pounds away at the keys. (And, just so the world knows: I had an even better video, in which he very seriously turned on the beat, slowed it down, pounded on the keys, sang along, and then threw up his hands dramatically when he finished. And then I accidentally erased it. And then I spent the rest of the evening cursing myself).